BaAl prabodhini
Story of Baal Prabodhini
The story of Baal Prabodhini begins well before its inception in 2020. JPF volunteers raising kids abroad had been exploring programs in the US that would introduce their kids to Indian culture and their heritage. Baal Prabodhini was conceived when the JPF leads were unable to find such an apt program that would also provide all-round development.
Baal Prabodhini introduces children growing up abroad to their roots in India and helps embrace both Western/American and Indian cultures in a way that they will grow up feeling proud about their rich Indian heritage, making the multi-cultural experience their strength rather than a cause for cultural confusion about not knowing either one properly. In October 2020 this idea was presented to Dr. Girish Bapat, Director of JPP. Under his guidance and support from the large volunteer capital of JPF and affiliates, Baal Prabodhini was founded in December 2020.
While living abroad, when kids are around the age of 5 years, several Indian parents start looking for a cultural program with the expectation that such a program will bring their kids closer to their Indian heritage. There are a handful of options for parents who are looking beyond a program that is focused only on learning an Indian language, and generally, there will not be one solution that will fit for all. After thorough research of existing cultural or skill development programs in the USA, below are the challenges that we saw in cultural institutes or Marathi schools which are run locally.

Short Term GoalS
Baal Prabodhini’s motivation is to provide a learning environment to children that is full of fun, where kids will get to interact with children and teachers across the globe with similar cultural backgrounds while avoiding strict adherence to pre-set syllabus. Short term goals for the participants are -
To have fun with music, arts, craft, recipes, gardening, festivals, yoga, and mindfulness
To listen to inspirational stories, learn poems and songs from influential teachers
To learn about prominent personalities of India
To make friends across the globe, who have similar cultural background
To interact with impactful personalities across the globe, such as authors, scientists, sports personalities, law makers and artists
To engage in meaningful conversations with parents and grandparents in Marathi

Baal Prabodhini is an all-volunteer global educational platform with a strong volunteer base in the USA, India, Ireland, and Indonesia. By enrolling your child in Baal Prabodhini, not only your child will experience its amazing benefits, but through the program fees, you will also be sponsoring a needy child in India. 100% of your contribution will be used towards the "Sponsor a Child" program that JPF is actively involved in.
For more details, please visit https://www.jnanaprabodhinifoundation.org/sponsor-a-child.
How Is Baal Prabodhini Different?
Baal Prabodhini is an all-round development educational platform, founded by Jnana Prabodhini Prashala alumni and affiliates. This platform is being offered by Jnana Prabodhini Foundation (JPF), USA, for Marathi kids in the USA, Canada, UK, Ireland and Europe in the age group of 5 – 11 years and is based on Jnana Prabodhini’s (Jnana Prabodhini Prashala, Pune, India) fundamentals of teaching culture and life principles of motivating intelligence for social change. Baal Prabodhini’s goal is to help our children living abroad by inculcating ethnic culture to connect with our roots and develop lasting friendships. We believe that this program will broaden their horizons and help them become compassionate and empathetic towards each other.
Program Structure
Age Group: 5 to 11 years, two sessions running in parallel for the following age groups.
G1: 5 to 7 years
G2: 8 to 11 years
Day & Time: Sunday, 10:30 am – 12:00 noon (CST)
Frequency: Biweekly
Session Duration: 90-minutes
Medium: English and Marathi
Meetings: Zoom
Enrollment Open for Winter Segment 2022
Program Duration: 7 Sundays during Jan 9th, 2022, through Apr 3rd, 2022
Program Dates: Jan 9th, Jan 23rd, Feb 6th, Feb 20th, Mar 6th, Mar 20th, Apr 3rd
Baal Prabodhini Contact
Annual Calendar

Baal Prabodhini Program 2021
Testimonials by Parents
I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate this initiative and I am glad I found out about Baal Prabodhini in time. It has been really frustrating for me that I wasn't able to find anything here in Cal for the kids which will help them learn about Marathi roots. Sometimes its unbelievable that my kids don't know Marathi which I never thought growing up would be possible 😃 I hope I will get to know about upcoming segments as well and hope to enroll both for the same. Its also very satisfying to know that the fees get used for the people/kids who need them. Best wishes to BP!
Abhi is thoroughly enjoying these sessions and looks forward to them. Not just Abhi, his sister (2.5 years old) also enjoys as he sits next to him during class and says, “Jai Jai Raghuvir Samartha!” Abhi is a second-generation kid, so it is really amazing to me that he is learning Marathi and about India in Baal Prabodhini.
Enjoyed all the sessions so far. The way you taught the Shlok “GaNadhish Jo”, Vallari has started reciting it every day unknowingly before going to school. It is also helping her to know and speak with other Marathi kids in BP. Very organized and well thought sessions, thank you to the BP team.
Both the kids are enjoying BP so far. Both enjoyed learning about dhol beat and kept practicing at home later. Nishad kept singing Sanskrut digit song and he enjoys it.
Swara is really enjoying all the sessions. First session was challenging due to the time of 90 minutes, but from the next session, she started enjoying it. She loved the eco-friendly rangoli for Swastik and Om and later she kept making more patterns. She sings the Marathi digit song and Sanskrit digit song to her 7-month-old twin brothers, and they respond to it very well. We are very happy to see this bonding between them and that the 7-month-olds are getting exposure to these session from such young age.
Aditya thoroughly enjoyed all the sessions so far. Wing Commander’s interview session was very motivational. After this session he told me that I want to know what I want to be when I grow up.