ways to donate
We're on Zelle!
in person or checks
Payable to
'Jnana Prabodhini Foundation'
Jnana Prabodhini Foundation,
433 Glenmoor Circle,
Milpitas, CA 95035
Facebook Fundraiser
employer matching
Search for "Jnana Prabodhini Foundation" on your employer's donations portal and donate.
Contact us if you can't find us to donate through your employer.
Note: JPF will provide receipts upon request. Please email your receipt request to treasurer@jnanaprabodhinifoundation.org
Become a part of our ongoing projects & activities
Provide introduction & share career opportunities in your field of expertise with school children
Spread the word with friends, family & colleagues. Follow up on FB, twitter & subscribe JPF newsletter
Work as a domain expert to guide the student projects in multiple areas
Work on micro-financing ideas to support self-help groups
Become a part of global think tank on Job Creation & Ecology
Connect with our regional chapters & help coordinating regional events
Fundraising Initiatives
Conduct birthday fundraiser for JPF
Donate to cover expenses of 1 student or fund one self-help group or create water structure for one village
Initiate fundraising events in your region & in company
To make sustainable progress we need continuous source of funding. So recurring donations can go long way
Select JPF in your Amazon account & donate through Amazon Smile
If your company matches donations for 501(C) (3) nonprofits & JPF is not registered, help us complete the procedure in your company for donation matching